RISTT day 6


“Only those who are asleep make no mistake”


The more we live in this world the more we experience a lot of things, the more we experienced a lot of things the more we commit mistakes, but that’s normal. Only those who are asleep make no mistake. The most successful persons in the world are the ones who have committed thousands of mistakes before they succeed. Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, J.K. Rowling, Oprah and many other famous personalities experienced mistakes and failures. Before their success, this world’s most successful people experienced epic failure. We celebrate their success but often overlook the path that got them there. A path that is often marked with failure. Thus, it is not a valid reason to stop whenever we experience failure.


Ingvar Kamprad a multi-billion dollar entrepreneur one’s boycotted by his furniture supplier but because of his determinations he did not stop there, instead, he found his IKEA (A multi-billion company) who manufactured cheap and quality furniture. The point here is we may not be discouraged if we fail, just keep on going until you succeed. Ingvar Kamprad say’sMaking mistakes is the privilege of the active. It is always the mediocre people who are negative, who spend their time proving that they were not wrong“. Their crowning achievements stem from drive and determination as much as ability. Persistence and certitude are the difference between success and failure. The story of Ingvar Kamprad brings us to the story of “The Elephant Rope”


The elephant on this story when he is very young and much smaller the trainer used a small size of rope to tie him and at that age, it’s enough to hold him. As he grows up, he is conditioned to believe he cannot break away. he believes the rope can still hold him, so he never tries to break free.

The same situation as we have today, our mindset what we have or what we can do, that’s it, we don’t go beyond. We all have dreams but how can we achieve our dreams if we stop? Don’t limit yourself today, don’t let the small rope hold you just like the elephant, be the boss of your own dream.

As a newbie in online freelance, it’s normal to fail ten, hundred or even a thousand times. Just like writing the page content which is quite difficult. Most of us may have a problem with writing a page content or even fail but we must not stop.

Day six we watch a video on how To setup Yoast SEO Plugin and start writing a good page content. Please watch the video link below.


Yoast SEO is one of the most widely popular WordPress plugins around and it’s easy to understand why. Whether we’re running a personal blog or we’re an SEO professional managing a website for a client, Yoast is a powerful tool that can help us make our site as search engine-friendly as possible.

Read more to learn more about Yoast SEO.


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