
“Some injuries heal more quickly if you keep moving”


Most of the time we are always complaining about how our life goes without considering that we are the one who manipulates our own life. whenever we fail we complain, get discouraged and even throw ourselves into bitterness. Most of us had mindsets that we are designed for success only because we can’t handle failure. Why? it is because we don’t get the failure as a challenge and most of all we do not consider the phrase “KEEP MOVING”. Just keep on moving, don’t stop. 

On the 4th day of our Rural Impact Sourcing Technical Training, I am inspired by the story of a disabled person whose name Nick Vujicic. He says “Having faith, beliefs, and convictions is a great thing, but your life is measured by the actions you take based on them”. Nick Vujicic is born without arms and leg yet he did not stop there. Having no arms and legs… imagine that for a second! It should be enough for your brain to take you through a series of events of how life would be like. Now imagine that this same man can swim, surf, play football, and golf. In spite of all the challenges he had to put up with, Vujicic continues to push his limits and has made a name for himself in teaching others about self-love and confidence in the face of disability and adversity. It is ironic how our mind can paralyze us despite us having full control of our bodies; yet extraordinary of what it can offer when unlocked. he didn’t count his disability as a failure but he considers it as his encouragement to pursue his dream. As a freelancer, there are lots of things that can discourage us but we must keep on going and must not be afraid of what we are doing, do not believe in disability just focus on your strength. Just as Nick Vujicic says “Fear is the biggest disability of all and will paralyze you more than being in a wheelchair”.

There are lots of things that we can build and claim as our expertise. We can learn if we want to do it and if we enjoy doing it. Day 4 of our training, the trainer introduced a very useful online tool for our better freelance life. here are those tools:

  • Trello.com– an online bulletin board. To help in organizing the project into smaller, more manageable tasks.
  • Lastpass.com – an online password storage vault. A password storage vault to help in remembering and securing all passwords.
  • Tmetric.com – an online timekeeper. For keeping track of your time when you are doing online freelancing work.


“Don’t put your life on hold so that you can dwell on the unfairness of past hurts”


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